Our Family

Our Family

All about our World

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Lets's talk about homework.  Nope, not my kids.  You see, I am enrolled in a FNP program (Family Nurse Practiotioner).  As one might expect this program isn't for the faint of heart.  It is difficult at every step.  One of the difficulties lies in the fact that it is primarily an online program, and although this may work for some people, for me it is horrible!  I need to have classroom time!  Where I am unavailable to all mankind.  Let me elaborate...I have a deadline.  To meet that deadline, I needed to do an enormous amount of  homework yesterday.  So, my only goal was to do my homework and NORMAL chores.  Here was part of my day:

Got up at about 5 - 5:30 am.  Get Kali and John up.  Attempt to wake up Tiffany.  Attempt to wake up Tiffany.  Attempt to wake up Jessica.  Attempt to wake up Tiffany.  Attempt to wake up Jessica.  Repeat repeat repeat... (okay you get the picture).  Wake up Tyler, hear Katie crying because I got out of bed and I didn't get her up with me.  Realize Kyla is up from the One Direction music distorting the sound of the blaring speakers.  Go back to attempt to wake up Tiffany and help Jessica with her hair.  Ask who took care of the dogs...and everyone says they think someone else did it already.  I realize no one actually took care of them and assign someone to do it.  I then have a negotiation with Tyler to get him to get off the floor and put his clothes on, while his naked butt is in the air and he is slapping it (ask Bill about this one).  Then Kyla is very mad because Bill had the audacity to turn down the music and tell her to get dressed, so I intervene (which I shouldn't have, but did anyway).  Then I yell at Tiffany to get up or I will pour water on her, while John tells me he needed his cross country uniform washed for a meet TODAY.  Then I get asked approximately five times what they can have for breakfast.  There happens to be a list posted on the refrigerator with ideas for breakfast so they would quit asking...it didn't help. :)   We somehow manage to get most of the kids dressed and I finally get to sit down for the marathon hair braiding session...(Katie, Kali, Jessica, Tiffany and Kyla all want their hair braided for school today).  Bill puts the finishing touches on lunches and asks if the dogs are all in...to which he is told yes!  Two of the dogs have to come with us in the morning for some social time, but for some reason no one grabs leashes so after everyone is in the van, John runs back into the garage to get leashes.  Then we manage to get loaded and leave at 7:18 only 18 minutes late and as I am backing down the driveway I hear the distinct sound of Zeus, who is very clearly outside.  Pull back into the driveway, get dog in the house, and leave again...at 7:20.  Drive down the street, tell the kids to quit asking for songs, I am actually going to listen to my music this morning, only to realize I didn't brush my hair...great.  Pull pony out and put it up while I'm driving.  Get about 2 miles down the road when Kyla says, "Mom, no one gave me my medicine today."  Arrgggghhhhhhh #&*!*^%%$.  Go back home, get medicine, and re leave at 7:35.  Kali is fuming at this point because if she doesn't get to school by 7:15 she is mad, at 7:30 you should fear her!  Manage to drop Kali off at 7:43 (Nascar here I come), then John and Kyla at 7:46, and Jessica and Tyler at 7:52.  Go to get Polar Pop and gas.  Drop Tiffany off for work TWO hours early with strict instructions to do her schoolwork and NOTHING else.  Head back home with Katie reading to tackle my homework.  After all I only have one child at home for a few hours.  Get home, let all dogs out.  Feed rats.  Set my homework out and get myself prepared.  THEN...(you knew this was coming didn't you), the phone rings...it's the doctor's office saying I have to take Kyla in to be seen for her knee.  I'll spare you the rest of the details but let's just say that homework was not involved. 

People often say to me and Bill, "I don't know how you do all that you do."  I usually smile and say it's not that bad...but since school is back in session all I really want to say is..I have no idea how the hell we do it either!    SMILE....things have got to get better...right??  And, yes, I should be working on my homework rather than blogging right now!

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